Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Elimination 2


Name: John Marshall-

Condition: Stage six Alzheimer's disease.

History: Mr. Marshall's descent into madness was a slow, albeit excruciating one. He showed manyof the obvious symptoms of Alzheimer's such as minor lapses in memory, continuously losing personal objects and becoming socially withdrawn and moody in challenging situations without much danger to himself or his surroundings. However, after a particularly vicious outburst involving a frozen turkey and the belief that his daughter was an imposter sent from hell, he was admitted to our institution with little chance of release. Court date pending.


Name: Paul Ross-

Condition: Pyromania

History: Mr. Ross had a liking for setting ants on fire as a child. Continuing into adolescence, he kidnapped small animals and trapped them in cages, setting them aflame to watch them die. At the age of 18, he was caught in the act of literally barbequing his neighbor's chihuahua in his front garden. His lawyer begged for an insanity defense, and so he found his way to Shady Lawn.


After that last one, it's clear that I overestimated your abilities. So here's a riddle that should be closer to your level:

pof qmvt pof frvbmt......?

Once again you have two days. I would have given you only one day, but like I said, I've decided to be merciful to you pack of mental deficients.